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@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ To that end, we will apply natural language processing and document representati
The huge orthographic variety of Alsatian presents specific challenges for Natural Language Processing (*NLP*), as is the case for any *low-resource language*. These challenges highlight needs which are only partially addressed by existing text analysis tools, mainly geared towards majority languages. The project will exploit and contribute to the resources created by the link:[RESTAURE^] project, on NLP for France's regional languages.
== Outputs
=== Publications and contributions to conferences
* Pablo Ruiz, Carole Werner, Delphine Bernhard, Pascale Erhart, Dominique Huck. (2021). MeThAL : Ressources numériques pour une relecture du théâtre en alsacien. Poster presented at _10 ans avec CAHIER : Des corpus d'auteurs pour les humanités numériques à leur exploitation numérique_, June 2021, Bordeaux, France. link:[⟨10.5281/zenodo.4908212⟩,role=external,window=_blank]. ⟨hal-03255403⟩