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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The Alsatian dialect theater tradition is based predominantly on popular and hum
In order to answer these questions and carry out quantitative *analyses*, a large corpus, representative of the tradition, is required, as well as corpus annotations for the relevant variables: geographical origin of plays and authors, places where the plays take place, their period and genre. Regarding the characters, attributes such as their profession, social status, origin, gender or age must be made available. It is also necessary to formalize the plays' structure, identifying act and scene divisions, characters' speech and stage directions.
Our project's goal is creating such a *corpus*, encoded in the link:[*TEI*,role=external,window=_blank] format (Text Encoding Initiative), whose link:[Performance^] module covers the types of annotations we're interested in. We're working on a representative collection of link:[plays^], which were recently digitized by the Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (Bnu) in Strasbourg. We're currently performing OCR on the plays and their TEI encoding.
Our project's first goal is creating such a *corpus*, encoded in the link:[*TEI*,role=external,window=_blank] format (Text Encoding Initiative), whose link:[Performance^] module covers the types of annotations we're interested in. We're working on a representative collection of link:[plays^], which were recently digitized by the Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (Bnu) in Strasbourg. We're currently performing OCR on the plays and their TEI encoding.
The corpus thus created will allow a _distant reading_ or *macroanalysis* approach to Alsatian theater. Such approaches have been applied successfully to the major European dramatic traditions, as shown in a 2017 special issue of the link:[Revue d’Historiographie du Théâtre^]. However, such analyses are still impossible for Alsatian, given lack of an appropriate digital corpus. The MeThAL projects seeks to make up for this lack of resources.