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Commit 00067d87 authored by pruizf's avatar pruizf
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[data] modifs to toc, display link to read page

parent 567331d0
No related merge requests found
Pipeline #61023 passed with stages
in 25 seconds
......@@ -4,17 +4,25 @@
asciidoctor site/*adoc
# manual modifications to html created by asciidoctor ==========================
# english site -------------------------
# window title
sed -i -e 's/<title>Objectives<\/title>/<title>MeThAL Project<\/title>/' site/en.html
# english home -------------------------
# add home link to top entry in ToC
sed -i -e 's/"toctitle">Navigation<\/div>/"toctitle"><a href="https:\/\/\/en.html">Navigation<\/a><\/div>/' site/en.html
# make it clear where corpus is
sed -i -e 's/"#_outputs">Outputs<\/a>/"#_outputs">Corpus \&amp; Outputs<\/a>/' site/en.html
# french site --------------------------
# french home --------------------------
sed -i -e 's/<title>Objectifs<\/title>/<title>MeThAL<\/title>/' site/index.html
# add home link to top entry in ToC
sed -i -e 's/"toctitle">Navigation<\/div>/"toctitle"><a href="https:\/\/">Navigation<\/a><\/div>/' site/index.html
for pname in index en ; do
sed -i -e 's/"toctitle">Navigation<\/div>/"toctitle"><a href="https:\/\/">Navigation<\/a><\/div>/' site/${pname}.html
sed -i -e 's/"toctitle">Navigation<\/div>/"toctitle"><a href="https:\/\/">Navigation<\/a><\/div>/' site/${pname}.html
sed -i -e 's/"toctitle">Navigation<\/div>/"toctitle"><a href="https:\/\/">Navigation<\/a><\/div>/' site/read/${pname}.html
sed -i -e 's/"toctitle">Navigation<\/div>/"toctitle"><a href="https:\/\/">Navigation<\/a><\/div>/' site/read/${pname}.html
# read-section
plays_done=$(ls read/tei/*xml | wc -l)
sed -i -e "s/##nbrPieces/${plays_done}/g"
# copy to public repo ==========================================================
cp -r site/*html public
:doctype: book
:toc: left
:toc-title: Navigation
:toclevels: 1
:toclevels: 2
:last-update-label: Supported by Université de Strasbourg's IdEx program (Attractivité 2020). Last updated on
:title: MeThAL Project: Towards a macroanalysis of theater in Alsatian
:imagesdir: img
:favicon: ./img/favicon.ico
:stylesdir: styles/
......@@ -50,10 +51,15 @@ The huge orthographic variety of Alsatian presents specific challenges for Natur
* link:[methal-sources]: The TEI-encoded plays are being made available on the University's Git repositories as the project progresses: link:[]
=== Presentations
* LiLPa Lab seminar, December 2019: link:./docs/methal_lilpa_sem.pdf[[pdf\],role=external,window=_blank]
=== Read the plays
* See section _link:./read[[read]]_ to read already encoded plays (##nbrPieces at this point)
== Participants
Project participants are members of the LiLPa lab: link:[Pablo Ruiz,role=external,window=_blank] (lead), link:[Delphine Bernhard^], link:[Pascale Erhart^], link:[Dominique Huck^] and link:[Carole Werner^].
:doctype: book
:toc: left
:toc-title: Navigation
:toclevels: 1
:toclevels: 2
:title: Projet MeThAL : Vers une macroanalyse du théâtre en alsacien
:last-update-label: Avec le soutien de l'Université de Strasbourg (IdEx Attractivité 2020). Mis à jour le
:imagesdir: img
:favicon: ./img/favicon.ico
......@@ -47,10 +48,15 @@ L’énorme variation orthographique de l’alsacien présente, comme pour toute
* link:[methal-sources]: Les pièces encodées sont graduellement mises à disposition sur les dépôts Git de l’Université : link:[]
=== Présentations
* Au séminaire thématique de LiLPa, Décembre 2019 : link:./docs/methal_lilpa_sem.pdf[[pdf\],role=external,window=_blank]
=== Lire les pièces
* Voire la section _link:./read[[read]]_ pour lire les pièces déjà encodées en TEI (##nbrPieces en ce moment)
== Participants
Les participants au projet sont membres du laboratoire LiLPa : link:[Pablo Ruiz,role=external,window=_blank] (responsable du projet), link:[Delphine Bernhard^], link:[Pascale Erhart^], link:[Dominique Huck^] et link:[Carole Werner^].
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