... | ... | @@ -4,13 +4,18 @@ Our encoding usually starts with the dramatis personae, as we do not use a `titl |
In the `<front>`, we add the following information, keeping the order in which it appears in the play:
* Dedications if any, using a `<div type="dedication">`. Dedication-like information is also encoded with the same attribute (e.g. a notice that the play was written to commemorate the 50th anniversary of something, even if there is no explicit dedication of the play). We don't respect case value in the source unless required by orthography, but we record line breaks as in the source, see an [[example]](https://git.unistra.fr/methal/methal-sources/-/blob/master/bastian-hofnarr-heidideldum.xml#L172)
* Dramatis personae (`<castList>`)
* Character description, using `<div type="character-description">`
* Some plays provide a more detailed character description after the character list, giving additional information about clothes and appearance. We encode this as a `<list>` if relevant. For numbered lists, use a `<list>` and specify `@rend="numbered"` rather than reproducing the numbering. See an [[example]](https://git.unistra.fr/methal/methal-sources/-/blob/master/clemens-chrischtowe.xml#L191)
* Set (In one or more `<set>` elements)
* Play summary (e.g. Inhaltsangabe): Using `<div type="front">`. See [[example]](https://git.unistra.fr/methal/methal-sources/-/blob/master/hart-dr-poetisch-oscar.xml#L110)
**Dedications** if any, using a `<div type="dedication">`. Dedication-like information is also encoded with the same attribute (e.g. a notice that the play was written to commemorate the 50th anniversary of something, even if there is no explicit dedication of the play). We don't respect case value in the source unless required by orthography, but we record line breaks as in the source, see an [[example]](https://git.unistra.fr/methal/methal-sources/-/blob/master/bastian-hofnarr-heidideldum.xml#L172).
If the different types of information bear a heading, this is kept in a `<head>` tag (as long as allowed by the TEI-All schema (we have no custom schema so far)).
**Dramatis personae** using a `<castList>`.
When the language for the content of an element is not Alsatian, we add an `xml:lang` attribute with the [ISO-6392 (B)](https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php) language code as value. The language for front information is often German (`ger`) in this corpus. |
\ No newline at end of file |
**Additional character description** if any, using `<div type="character-description">`.
Some plays provide a more detailed character description after the character list, giving additional information about clothes and appearance. We encode this as a `<list>` if relevant. For numbered lists, use a `<list>` and specify `@rend="numbered"` rather than reproducing the numbering. See an [[example]](https://git.unistra.fr/methal/methal-sources/-/blob/master/clemens-chrischtowe.xml#L191).
**Set**, using one or more `<set>` elements.
**Play summary** (e.g. Inhaltsangabe) if available: Using `<div type="front">`. See [[example]](https://git.unistra.fr/methal/methal-sources/-/blob/master/hart-dr-poetisch-oscar.xml#L110).
If the different types of information bear a **heading**, this is kept in a `<head>` tag (as long as allowed by the TEI-All schema (we have no custom schema so far)).
When the **language** for the content of an element is not Alsatian, we add an `xml:lang` attribute with the [ISO-6392 (B)](https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php) language code as value. The language for front information is often German (`ger`) in this corpus. |
\ No newline at end of file |