From ba555a3eaecf5d45b55d42e451197c2badbca7dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Emilien Bauer <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 14:27:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Doxygen population

 CMakeLists.txt                         | 27 ++++----                              |  2 +-
 back/periscop/helpers/farkas.c         |  1 +
 back/periscop/helpers/farkas.h         | 95 +++++++++++++++++---------
 back/periscop/helpers/osl_to_polylib.h | 29 +++++++-
 back/periscop/helpers/utils.h          | 53 +++++++++++++-
 doxygen.h                              | 13 ++++
 front/ast.cpp                          |  2 +
 front/ast.hpp                          | 36 +++++++++-
 9 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doxygen.h

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index b77eaa1..7cd70c6 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ project(PolyLingual
         VERSION 0.0.2
-#Include for ExternalProjet_Add, to include AutoTools project
 #Add this project's module path
 #include the GenGen-related functions
@@ -23,6 +20,20 @@ if(${DOXYGEN_FOUND})
@@ -31,16 +42,6 @@ endif()
-                    GIT_REPOSITORY
-                    PATCH_COMMAND <SOURCE_DIR>/
-                    CONFIGURE_COMMAND <SOURCE_DIR>/configure --with-libgmp
-                    BUILD_IN_SOURCE true
-                    BUILD_COMMAND make -j
-                    TEST_COMMAND make tests -j
-                    INSTALL_COMMAND ""
-                    EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL true)
 # Build target
 add_executable(pll main.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(pll pll_front pll_back)
diff --git a/ b/
index 9e94b4a..c084b39 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # PolyLingual
 PolyLingual is a work in progress on a programmable polyhedral scheduler. The aim is to be able to script a polyhedral scheduling algorithm, and to automatically generate a compilable codebase applying this algorithm.
-[Technical documentation is available here.](
+[Technical documentation is available here.](
diff --git a/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.c b/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.c
index aea43a6..74d0eb7 100644
--- a/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.c
+++ b/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.c
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ Matrix* Farkas_on_delay_dependency(const struct osl_dependence* const D, Value m
         n = 1;
         m_i = malloc(sizeof(size_t));
         m_i[0] = 2;
         subsp_ij = malloc(sizeof(dep_subspace*));
         subsp_ij[0] = malloc(2 * sizeof(dep_subspace));
         subsp_ij[0][0] = SRC_IT | PARAMS;
diff --git a/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.h b/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.h
index 4dbcb6e..f012de9 100644
--- a/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.h
+++ b/back/periscop/helpers/farkas.h
@@ -20,38 +20,68 @@ This file is part of PolyLingual.
 #ifndef FARKAS_H
 #define FARKAS_H
+//! \addtogroup back
+//! @{
+//! \addtogroup periscop
+//! @{
+//! \addtogroup periscop_helpers
+//! @{
+//! \file
+//! \brief This file defines interfaces for functions related to the Farka's Lemma application
+//! @}
+//! @}
+//! @}
 #include "osl_to_polylib.h"
 #include "utils.h"
 #include <polylib/polylibgmp.h>
 #include <osl/osl.h>
-//Apply Farkas' Lemma and return the obtained constraints
-// n    : number of forms
-//m_i   : the number of applications to compose with f_i
-//f_i   : the arities of the n forms
-//g_ij  : the applications to compose with the f_is. A NULL means no composition(or identity)
-//a_ij  : the coefficients
-//b     : must be over b
-//D     : the polyhedron
-//brief : return the constraints on the f_is for \sum_ij a_ij*f_i(g_ij) to be superior to b over D
+//! \brief Apply Farkas' Lemma and return the obtained constraints
+//! \param n      the number \f$ n \f$ of forms
+//! \param m_i    the number \f$ m_i \f$ of applications to compose with \f$ f_i \f$
+//! \param f_i    the arities \f$ f_i \f$ of the \f$ n \f$ forms
+//! \param g_ij   the applications \f$ g_{i,j} \f$ to compose with the \f$ f_is \f$. A NULL means no composition (or identity)
+//! \param a_ij   the coefficients \f$ a_{i,j} \f$
+//! \param b      the sum must be greater than \f$ b \f$
+//! \param D      the polyhedron \f$ D \f$
+//! \return the constraints on all \f$ f_i \f$ such that \f$ \sum\limits_{i,j} a_{i,j} \cdot f_i(g_{i,j}) \f$ is greater than \f$ b \f$ over \f$ D \f$.
+//! \warning You probably won't need to use this form of the function. It is exposed for completeness' sake, but there are specialized forms more suitable for scheduling:
+//! \see Farkas_on_dependency
+//! \see Farkas_on_delay_dependency
 Matrix* Farkas(size_t n, size_t* m_i, size_t* f_i, Matrix*** g_ij, Value** a_ij, Value b, Matrix* D);
-//Values to be used in a bitfield to indicate which semantic subspaces of a dependency polyhedron a form is defined on
+//! \brief Enum representing subspaces of a dependency polyhedron's space
+//! Values to be used in a bitfield to indicate which semantic subspaces of a dependency polyhedron a form is defined on
 enum DEPSS{
-    SRC_IT = 1,
-    SRC_AC = 2,
-    TGT_IT = 4,
-    TGT_AC = 8,
-    PARAMS = 16,
-    ALL_SS = PARAMS*2-1,
+    SRC_IT = 1,             //!< The source iteration domain
+    SRC_AC = 2,             //!< The source access relation
+    TGT_IT = 4,             //!< The target iteration domain
+    TGT_AC = 8,             //!< The target access relation
+    PARAMS = 16,            //!< The parameter space
+    ALL_SS = PARAMS*2-1,    //!< The whole dependency space (including paramter space)
-//Typedef for the bitfield, syntactic sugar
+//! Typedef for the bitfield, syntactic sugar
 typedef ushort dep_subspace ;
+//! \brief The projection matrix from a dependency's space to the passed subspace
+//! \param D The dependence relation
+//! \param subsp The semantic subspace.
+//! \return A projection Matrix suitable to use in composition with a form defined on this subspace.
+//! \see DEPSS
+//! \see Farkas
 Matrix* Dependency_subspace_matrix(const struct osl_dependence* const D, dep_subspace subsp);
-//Return the given semantic subspace's dimension for a given dependecy
+//! \brief The actual dimension of a dependency's subspace
+//! \param D The dependence relation
+//! \param subsp The semantic subspace
+//! \return The subspace's actual dimension
+//! \see DEPSS
 static inline size_t Dependency_subspace_dim(const struct osl_dependence* const D, dep_subspace subsp)
     size_t arity = 0;
@@ -64,23 +94,26 @@ static inline size_t Dependency_subspace_dim(const struct osl_dependence* const
     return arity;
-//Simply return the projection matrix suitable for an affine form define on a semantic
-//subspace of a dependence polyhedron.
-//Helper function for Farkas_on_dependency
-//Specialized call for application on a dependency polyhedron : don't bother with the gs and arities.
-//n     : number of forms
-//m_i   : the number of compositions with f_i
-//subsp_ij : which subspaces the ij composition is defined on
-//a_ij  : the coefficients
-//b     : must be over b
-//D     : the dependence
-//brief : return the constraints on the f_is for their weighted sum to be superior to b over D
+//! \brief Apply Farka's Lemma in the case of a dependency polyhedron
+//! This is a specialized specialized call for the lemma's application on a dependency polyhedron : the caller doesn't have to think about actual arities or dimensionalities. The caller only specifies on which semantic subspaces each form is defined on.
+//! \param n         The number \f$ n \f$ of forms
+//! \param m_i       The number \f$ m_i \f$ of compositions with \f$ f_i \f$, or the number of different subspaces \f$ f_i \f$ is defined on.
+//! \param subsp_ij  Which subspace the \f$ i,j \f$ composition is defined on. Here we note this composition \f$ f_i(g_{i,j}) \f$, but it can be read as: \f$ f_i \f$ restricted to the subspace \f$ subsp_{i,j}\f$.
+//! \param a_ij      The coefficients \f$ a_{i,j} \f$
+//! \param b         The combination must be greater than \f$ b\f$ over \f$ D \f$
+//! \param D         The dependence \f$ D \f$
+//! \return The constraints on \f$ f_i \f$ such that \f$ \sum\limits_{i,j} a_{i,j} \cdot f_i(g_{i,j}) \f$ is greater than \f$ b \f$ over \f$ D \f$
 Matrix* Farkas_on_dependency(size_t n, size_t* m_i, dep_subspace** subsp_ij, Value** a_ij, Value b, const struct osl_dependence* const D);
-//Helper func
+//! \brief Apply Farka's Lemma for a schedule to have a delay greater than some value on some dependency.
+//! This is a specialized function for the application of the Farka's Lemma. It allows to easily enforce some delay over some dependence for a scheduling, which should be done in nearly every scheduling algorithm, to at least enforce legality.
+//! \param D            The dependence relation \f$ D \f$
+//! \param min_delay    The minimum delay the template scheduling has to enforce over this dependence.
+//! \return The constraints on the scheduling for it to honor such a delay over \f$ D \f$.
 Matrix* Farkas_on_delay_dependency(const struct osl_dependence* const D, Value min_delay);
 #endif // FARKAS_H
diff --git a/back/periscop/helpers/osl_to_polylib.h b/back/periscop/helpers/osl_to_polylib.h
index cfa0072..fc49c95 100644
--- a/back/periscop/helpers/osl_to_polylib.h
+++ b/back/periscop/helpers/osl_to_polylib.h
@@ -20,6 +20,20 @@ This file is part of PolyLingual.
+//! \addtogroup back
+//! @{
+//! \addtogroup periscop
+//! @{
+//! \addtogroup periscop_helpers
+//! @{
+//! \file
+//! \brief This file defines simple function to translate some OpenScop objects to PolyLib objects
+//! @}
+//! @}
+//! @}
 #include "limits.h"
 #include <osl/scop.h>
@@ -28,13 +42,22 @@ This file is part of PolyLingual.
 #include <polylib/polylibgmp.h>
 #include <polylib/arithmetique.h>
-PipOptions_gmp *pip_options;
+//! \brief Create a PolyLib Matrix respresenting a convex OpenScop osl_relation
+//! \param relation The relation to translate
+//! \return A Matrix matching the original relation's matrix, in PolyLib format.
+//! \attention All information other than the matrix' coefficients isn't embedded in this Matrix !
 Matrix* osl_relation_to_Matrix(const osl_relation_p const relation);
+//! \brief Create a PolyLib Polyhedron representing a convex OpenScop osl_relation
+//! \param relation The relation to translate
+//! \return A Polyhedron matching the original relation's matrix, in PolyLib format.
+//! \attention All information other than the matrix' coefficients isn't embedded in this Polyhedron !
 Polyhedron* osl_relation_to_Polyhedron(const osl_relation_p const relation);
+//! \brief Create a PolyLib Domain representing an OpenScop osl_relation
+//! \param relation The relation to translate
+//! \return A Polyhedral domain matching the original relation's matrix, in PolyLib format.
+//! \attention All information other than the matrices' coefficients isn't embedded in this Polyhedral domain !
 Polyhedron* osl_relation_to_Domain(osl_relation_p relation);
diff --git a/back/periscop/helpers/utils.h b/back/periscop/helpers/utils.h
index 835f15f..ab3787f 100644
--- a/back/periscop/helpers/utils.h
+++ b/back/periscop/helpers/utils.h
@@ -20,24 +20,71 @@ This file is part of PolyLingual.
 #ifndef UTILS_H
 #define UTILS_H
+//! \addtogroup back
+//! @{
+//! \addtogroup periscop
+//! @{
+//! \addtogroup periscop_helpers
+//! @{
+//! \file
+//! \brief This file defines various utilities used to implement a polyhedral scheduler with periscop and PolyLib
+//! @}
+//! @}
+//! @}
 #include <polylib/polylibgmp.h>
 #include <osl/osl.h>
 #include <piplib/piplib_gmp.h>
+//! \brief The user-defined verbosity level
 extern int verbose;
-enum output {MATRIX, OPENSCOP, CODE};
+//! \brief simple enum for the scheduler's output format
+enum output {
+    MATRIX,     //!< Simply print the scheduling as a Matrix
+    OPENSCOP,   //!< Clone and modify the original SCoP to match the scheduling
+    CODE        //!< Use CLooG to directly output the corresponding source code
+//! \brief Eliminate variables from a constraint system
+//! Eliminate variables from a constraints system, keeping the variables indices as passed. This is done using PolyLib's double respresentation.
+//! \param sys The constraints system
+//! \param f The first variable index to keep
+//! \param t The last variable index to keep
+//! \return The constraints on the keeped variables obtained after elimination
 Matrix* project_system_from_to(Matrix *sys, unsigned f, unsigned t);
+//! \brief Simplify the dependencies set **in place**
+//! Eliminates **in place** all dependencies appearing twice, that is, the same dependency relation for a different dependence type. This may not always be desired !
+//! \param dependencies The dependencies list to simplify
 void simplify_dependencies(struct osl_dependence * const dependencies);
+//! \brief Cast a **non-parameterized** PipQuest to a PolyLib Vector
+//! Cast a **non-parameterized** PipQuest to a PolyLib Vector. PipQuast are trees, where each node may have arbitrarily many children, which correspond to different values of some parameter.
+//! This is to be used in the non-parameterized case, where this PipQuast then is always a list.
+//! \param quast The PipQuast to cast
+//! \param from The first value index to include in the Vector
+//! \param n The number of values to include in the Vector
+//! \return The Vector containing the n values starting from from.
 Vector* PipQuast_to_Vector(PipQuast_gmp* quast, unsigned from, unsigned n);
+//! \brief Return a new dependencies list corresponding to a passed selection.
+//! \param dependencies The original list to copy and filter
+//! \param selected A Vector, which should be of the same length than the list, and where a 0 means discard and 1 means keep, the corresponding dependency.
+//! \return A list of **copies** of the selected dependencies.
 osl_dependence_p remove_scheduled_dependencies(osl_dependence_p dependencies, Vector* selected);
-void positive_scattering_coefficients(osl_scop_p scop);
+//! \brief Apply **in-place** a new scheduling to a SCoP
+//! \param scop The SCoP to set a new scheduling on
+//! \param schedule The Matrix corresponding to the new schedule
 void apply_schedule_to_scop(osl_scop_p scop, Matrix* schedule);
 #endif //UTILS_H
diff --git a/doxygen.h b/doxygen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de23812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doxygen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+//! \defgroup front Front end
+//! \brief The module containing all parsing and AST logic.
+//! \defgroup back Back end
+//! \brief The module grouping the different target PolyLingual can generate code to.
+//! \defgroup periscop Periscop+PolyLib
+//! \brief The module for the Periscop+PolyLib target.
+//! \defgroup periscop_helpers Helpers
+//! \brief The module containing various utilities for the Periscop+PolyLib target.
+//! This is meant to be compiled as a library, which should be linked against the generated scheduler code. This is supposed to avoid recompiling those utilites everytime a scheduler is compiled. 
diff --git a/front/ast.cpp b/front/ast.cpp
index 395f495..6cfb100 100644
--- a/front/ast.cpp
+++ b/front/ast.cpp
@@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ Integer::Integer(const std::string& text) : Integer(std::stoi(text))
 Integer& Integer::operator =(const Integer& other){ value = other.value; return *this;}
 std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const Integer& integer)
 { return os << integer.value; }
 std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, Integer& integer)
 { return is >> integer.value; }
diff --git a/front/ast.hpp b/front/ast.hpp
index fd61101..2dfcfa0 100644
--- a/front/ast.hpp
+++ b/front/ast.hpp
@@ -26,39 +26,73 @@ This file is part of PolyLingual.
 namespace pll {
+//! \addtogroup front
+//! @{
+//! \file Defines various AST nodes
+//! @}
+//! @}
+//! \brief Abstract base class for any node in the AST
+//! \ingroup front
 class Node
     virtual ~Node() = default;
+//! \brief Abstract base class for any statement in the AST
+//! \ingroup front
 class Statement : public Node
+//! \brief Abstract base class for any expression in the AST
+//! \ingroup front
 class Expression : public Node
+//! \brief Represents a litteral integer
+//! \ingroup front
 class Integer : public Expression
+    //! \brief Construct a new Integer from an int value
+    //! \param value int-encoded value to build the Integer with
     Integer(int value = 0);
+    //! \brief Construct a new Integer from another one
     Integer(const Integer& other);
+    //! \brief Construct a new Integer from text to parse
     Integer(const std::string& text);
+    //! \brief Assignment operator from another Integer
     Integer& operator =(const Integer& other);
     int value;
+    //! \brief Stream output operator
+    //!
+    //! Prints the Integer's value on the stream
+    //! \param os The ostream to print to
+    //! \param integer The Integer to print the value of
     friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const Integer& integer);
+    //! \brief Stream input operator.
+    //!
+    //! Parse the Integer's new value from the stream
+    //! \param is The istream to read from
+    //! \param integer The Integer to parse the value of
+    //! \return The stream with the integer's value's text consumed
     friend std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, Integer& integer);
+//! \brief Simple typedef for an AST, which is a pointer to its root
+//! \ingroup front
 using AST = std::unique_ptr<Node>;
 #endif // NODE_H