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+++ b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Assets/scripts/PlayerMovement.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+using System.Data;
+using System;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
+using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
+/// Gere les déplacements et le saut du joueur
+/// Gere si un objet a été utiliser
+/// Possede les fonctions de lors de l'utilisation de l'objet
+public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
+    public float moveSpeed;
+    public float jumpForce;
+    private bool isJumping;
+    public bool isGrounded;
+    public bool canMove;
+    public Transform groundCheck;
+    public float groundCheckRadius;
+    public LayerMask collisionLayer1;
+    public LayerMask collisionLayer2;
+    public LayerMask collisionLayer3;
+    public Rigidbody2D rb;
+    public Animator animator;
+    public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
+    private Vector3 velocity = Vector3.zero;
+    private float horizontalMovement;
+    /// Crée l'inventaire et l'initialise
+    private void Awake()
+    {
+        canMove = true;
+    }
+    /// permet de recuperer les items au sol
+    ///
+    /// @param collider : Collider2D : collider de l'objet a croiser
+    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider)
+    {
+    }
+    /// fait bouger le personnage, active son animation, ajoute les item dans l'inventaire depuis la liste du shop
+    void Update()
+    {
+        if ((Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) && isGrounded)
+        {
+            isJumping = true;
+        }
+        Flip(rb.velocity.x);
+        float characterVolocity = Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.x);
+        animator.SetFloat("Speed", characterVolocity);
+    }
+    /// calcule la vitesse du personnage et le fait bouger
+    void FixedUpdate()
+    {
+        if (canMove)
+        {
+            horizontalMovement = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
+            isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, collisionLayer1) || Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, collisionLayer2) || Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, collisionLayer3);
+            Moveplayer(horizontalMovement);
+        }    
+    }
+    /// fait bouger le joueur et sauter, fait joueur le son de saut
+    /// 
+    /// @param _horizontalMovement : float : vitesse du joueur
+    void Moveplayer(float _horizontalMovement)
+    {
+        Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector2(_horizontalMovement, rb.velocity.y);
+        rb.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(rb.velocity, targetVelocity, ref velocity, 0.05f);
+        if (isJumping == true)
+        {
+            rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));
+            //AudioManager.instance.Play("jump");--
+            isJumping = false;
+        }
+    }
+    /// fait retourner le sprite du joueur(regarde a gauche ou a droite)
+    /// 
+    /// @param _velocity : float : vitesse de déplacement du joueur
+    void Flip(float _velocity)
+    {
+        if (_velocity > 0.1f)
+        {
+            spriteRenderer.flipX = true;
+        }
+        else if (_velocity < -0.1f)
+        {
+            spriteRenderer.flipX = false;
+        }
+    }
+    /// affiche une gizmo permetant de visualiser le cercle pour si le joueur est au sol ou non
+    private void OnDrawGizmos()
+    {
+        Gizmos.color = Color.red;
+        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius);
+    }
+    /// Converti un Vector3 en Vector3Int
+    /// 
+    /// @param vec : Vector3 : Vector3 à convertir
+    /// @returns : Vector3Int : résultat
+    public Vector3Int vecToVecInt(Vector3 vec)
+    {
+        Vector3Int vector = new Vector3Int();
+        vector.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(vec.x);
+        vector.y = Mathf.RoundToInt(vec.y);
+        vector.z = Mathf.RoundToInt(vec.z);
+        return vector;
+    }
+    /// renvoie une liste de tout les tiles dans une Tilemap donné
+    /// 
+    /// @param objet : Tilemap : tilemap ou il faut chercher tout les tiles
+    /// @param decalage : int : nombre de tile entre le coté gauche de object et l'origine de la scene
+    /// @returns : ListObjLoc : List<Vector3> : liste des positions des tiles dans objet
+    public List<Vector3> positionObjet(Tilemap objet, int decalage)
+    {
+        Vector3 obj = Vector3.zero;
+        List<Vector3> ListObjLoc = new List<Vector3>();
+        BoundsInt bounds = objet.cellBounds;
+        TileBase[] allTiles_object = objet.GetTilesBlock(bounds);
+        for (int x = 0; x < bounds.size.x; x++)
+        {
+            for (int y = 0; y < bounds.size.y; y++)
+            {
+                TileBase tile = allTiles_object[x + y * bounds.size.x];
+                if (tile != null)
+                {
+                    obj.x = x + 0.01f - decalage;
+                    obj.y = y + 0.01f;
+                    ListObjLoc.Add(obj);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return ListObjLoc;
+    }
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--- a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Library/CurrentLayout-default.dwlt
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-    - Assets
+    - Assets/scripts
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--- a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Library/LastSceneManagerSetup.txt
+++ b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Library/LastSceneManagerSetup.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- path: Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity
+- path: Assets/Scenes/quartier_amlelioration.unity
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--- a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Library/StateCache/SceneView/04/048e8f4bfbc78e2778b925b3dc61ef04.json
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"cameraMode":{"drawMode":0,"name":"Shaded","section":"Shading Mode"},"sceneLighting":true,"audioPlay":false,"sceneViewState":{"m_AlwaysRefresh":false,"showFog":true,"showSkybox":true,"showFlares":true,"showImageEffects":true,"showParticleSystems":true,"showVisualEffectGraphs":true,"m_FxEnabled":true},"in2DMode":true,"pivot":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":0.0},"rotation":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":0.0,"w":1.0},"size":10.0,"orthographic":true}
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/ApiUpdaterCheck.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 29/03/2021 08:50:27 : Starting C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/Tools/ScriptUpdater/APIUpdater.NonObsoleteApiUpdaterDetector.exe
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 
+jit/startup time      : 1419,0261ms
+moved types parse time: 136ms
+candidates parse time : 1ms
+C# parse time         : 896ms
+candidates check time : 78ms
+console write time    : 39ms
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 29/03/2021 08:50:52 : Starting C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/Tools/ScriptUpdater/APIUpdater.NonObsoleteApiUpdaterDetector.exe
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 
+jit/startup time      : 77,0695ms
+moved types parse time: 65ms
+candidates parse time : 1ms
+C# parse time         : 313ms
+candidates check time : 65ms
+console write time    : 0ms
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 29/03/2021 08:52:36 : Starting C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/Tools/ScriptUpdater/APIUpdater.NonObsoleteApiUpdaterDetector.exe
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 
+jit/startup time      : 79,0708ms
+moved types parse time: 70ms
+candidates parse time : 1ms
+C# parse time         : 323ms
+candidates check time : 43ms
+console write time    : 0ms
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 29/03/2021 09:05:07 : Starting C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/Tools/ScriptUpdater/APIUpdater.NonObsoleteApiUpdaterDetector.exe
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 
+jit/startup time      : 77,07ms
+moved types parse time: 65ms
+candidates parse time : 1ms
+C# parse time         : 305ms
+candidates check time : 41ms
+console write time    : 0ms
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 29/03/2021 09:08:43 : Starting C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/Tools/ScriptUpdater/APIUpdater.NonObsoleteApiUpdaterDetector.exe
+[api-updater (non-obsolete-error-filter)] 
+jit/startup time      : 81,0792ms
+moved types parse time: 66ms
+candidates parse time : 1ms
+C# parse time         : 299ms
+candidates check time : 43ms
+console write time    : 0ms
diff --git a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48782451cbad330caa3a45ee273792a47a595b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+Using pre-set license
+Built from '2020.3/release' branch; Version is '2020.3.1f1 (77a89f25062f) revision 7841951'; Using compiler version '192528614'; Build Type 'Release'
+OS: 'Windows 10 Home; OS build 19042.867; Version 2009; 64bit' Language: 'fr' Physical Memory: 16334 MB
+BatchMode: 1, IsHumanControllingUs: 0, StartBugReporterOnCrash: 0, Is64bit: 1, IsPro: 0
+C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.1f1\Editor\Unity.exe
+C:/Users/wollp/Documents/info_work/year two/T4/t4_urbanisation/Unity/t4-urbanisme
+Successfully changed project path to: C:/Users/wollp/Documents/info_work/year two/T4/t4_urbanisation/Unity/t4-urbanisme
+C:/Users/wollp/Documents/info_work/year two/T4/t4_urbanisation/Unity/t4-urbanisme
+Using Asset Import Pipeline V2.
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 95.99 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Initialize engine version: 2020.3.1f1 (77a89f25062f)
+[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems
+[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/wollp/Documents/info_work/year two/T4/t4_urbanisation/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Assets
+GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0
+    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
+    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (ID=0x1f02)
+    Vendor:   
+    VRAM:     8031 MB
+    Driver:
+Initialize mono
+Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/Managed'
+Mono path[1] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit'
+Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
+Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,address=
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Registering precompiled unity dll's ...
+Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WindowsStandaloneSupport/UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll
+Registered in 0.071989 seconds.
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 44.12 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.610 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.016397 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 44.75 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.807 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Worker process is ready to serve import requests
+Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.25 seconds
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.42 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1806 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 85.1 MB.
+System memory in use after: 85.1 MB.
+Unloading 24 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2248.
+Total: 2.655100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.250400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.051600 ms MarkObjects: 2.186400 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.165700 ms)
+Received Import Request.
+  path: Assets/scripts
+  artifactKey: Guid(12d6687ee65288d4d86f1e665cac0c5d) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/scripts using Guid(12d6687ee65288d4d86f1e665cac0c5d) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '5d11ad16c9efebafee1bcb62e1f8b602') in 0.070397 seconds
+  Import took 0.173548 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 94.623042 seconds.
+  path: Assets/Scenes
+  artifactKey: Guid(2348a314689bd76468e627a72d6168fe) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/Scenes using Guid(2348a314689bd76468e627a72d6168fe) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: 'e548264a448520737fceb2ed3b333889') in 0.011962 seconds
+  Import took 0.067182 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 5.225287 seconds.
+  path: Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity
+  artifactKey: Guid(2cda990e2423bbf4892e6590ba056729) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity using Guid(2cda990e2423bbf4892e6590ba056729) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '843fd1ca81cfc1706e1cdb210696cdce') in 0.019963 seconds
+  Import took 0.411932 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 31.449670 seconds.
+  path: Assets/Scenes/sc.unity
+  artifactKey: Guid(954571bcd4fba8e4c81d1f095801da61) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/Scenes/sc.unity using Guid(954571bcd4fba8e4c81d1f095801da61) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: 'e15b37e590e7c091654e2cff114b8f3b') in 0.012855 seconds
+  Import took 0.130208 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 26.703458 seconds.
+  path: Assets/Scenes/quartier_sale.unity
+  artifactKey: Guid(954571bcd4fba8e4c81d1f095801da61) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/Scenes/quartier_sale.unity using Guid(954571bcd4fba8e4c81d1f095801da61) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: 'cbb8046aa29d12cc297ac15920e24e8e') in 0.012142 seconds
+  Import took 0.046372 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 9.036998 seconds.
+  path: Assets/Scenes/menu.unity
+  artifactKey: Guid(2cda990e2423bbf4892e6590ba056729) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/Scenes/menu.unity using Guid(2cda990e2423bbf4892e6590ba056729) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '7c47278c54d989e22db6aa334b9beeeb') in 0.012310 seconds
+  Import took 0.045004 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 245.156220 seconds.
+  path: Assets/Scenes/quartier_amlelioration.unity
+  artifactKey: Guid(b486e8ce576a5d04fad403bb4652691e) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/Scenes/quartier_amlelioration.unity using Guid(b486e8ce576a5d04fad403bb4652691e) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '579f2d7775c6950690a71509965647af') in 0.011390 seconds
+  Import took 0.033373 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 188.291043 seconds.
+  path: Assets/scripts/PlayerMovement.cs
+  artifactKey: Guid(da0e9dae9e908024fa71b7937059594e) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/scripts/PlayerMovement.cs using Guid(da0e9dae9e908024fa71b7937059594e) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: 'b4c7083bc614fb859a8a9485cafe0d05') in 0.030785 seconds
+  Import took 0.055141 seconds .
+Received Prepare
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.001432 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.44 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.090 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.42 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1802 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 85.1 MB.
+System memory in use after: 85.1 MB.
+Unloading 12 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2253.
+Total: 2.413800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.239800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.051000 ms MarkObjects: 1.987400 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.134700 ms)
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 574.891071 seconds.
+  path: Assets
+  artifactKey: Guid(00000000000000001000000000000000) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets using Guid(00000000000000001000000000000000) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: 'a6374019befeac6ce670f13ba9960efb') in 0.015243 seconds
+  Import took 0.041691 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 10.417236 seconds.
+  path: Assets/import
+  artifactKey: Guid(594a2e4069676fc4c88fd060ba688ebf) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/import using Guid(594a2e4069676fc4c88fd060ba688ebf) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '5e09eabc7afa9e693b5670db38267aed') in 0.010672 seconds
+  Import took 0.014418 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 18.036233 seconds.
+  path: Assets/import/character-animations.png
+  artifactKey: Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/import/character-animations.png using Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '89d024eab41d3d558e1cca75419a4abe') in 0.300176 seconds
+  Import took 0.318003 seconds .
+Received Prepare
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.001406 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.45 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.046 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.46 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1802 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 88.3 MB.
+System memory in use after: 88.3 MB.
+Unloading 12 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2263.
+Total: 2.424600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.269200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.053300 ms MarkObjects: 1.973900 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.127000 ms)
+Received Prepare
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.001399 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.50 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.043 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.44 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1802 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 88.3 MB.
+System memory in use after: 88.3 MB.
+Unloading 12 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2267.
+Total: 2.402000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.243300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.050900 ms MarkObjects: 1.976000 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.130700 ms)
+Received Prepare
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.001376 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.45 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.050 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.46 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1802 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 88.3 MB.
+System memory in use after: 88.3 MB.
+Unloading 12 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2271.
+Total: 2.668500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.261300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.052500 ms MarkObjects: 2.204300 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.149200 ms)
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 977.839282 seconds.
+  path: Assets/import/character-animations.png
+  artifactKey: Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/import/character-animations.png using Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '67c26b260099dba7fd7bf5335b31ea79') in 0.081377 seconds
+  Import took 0.085311 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 17.086122 seconds.
+  path: Assets/import/character-animations.png
+  artifactKey: Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/import/character-animations.png using Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '15c2c85401c0e6a52913ff1db7e45c0e') in 0.018903 seconds
+  Import took 0.022672 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 0.000370 seconds.
+  path: Assets/import/character-animations.png
+  artifactKey: Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/import/character-animations.png using Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '15c2c85401c0e6a52913ff1db7e45c0e') in 0.017874 seconds
+  Import took 0.033270 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 729.146284 seconds.
+  path: Assets/import/character-animations.png
+  artifactKey: Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/import/character-animations.png using Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: 'e7f6090e90b3a6a6109883e251b0b081') in 0.144914 seconds
+  Import took 0.178471 seconds .
+Received Import Request.
+  Time since last request: 94.643867 seconds.
+  path: Assets/import/character-animations.png
+  artifactKey: Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
+Start importing Assets/import/character-animations.png using Guid(51cb6dfa93440f74d812700dae5669d2) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)  -> (artifact id: '6b7a9d9c4695e584f86cdb77992a2b65') in 0.128952 seconds
+  Import took 0.158943 seconds .
+Received Prepare
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.001650 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.44 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.060 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.43 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1802 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 88.3 MB.
+System memory in use after: 88.3 MB.
+Unloading 12 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2278.
+Total: 2.438300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.243800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.052400 ms MarkObjects: 2.008800 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.132100 ms)
+Received Prepare
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.001487 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.45 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.057 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.42 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1802 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 88.3 MB.
+System memory in use after: 88.3 MB.
+Unloading 12 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2282.
+Total: 2.459200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.253800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.053300 ms MarkObjects: 2.016700 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.134500 ms)
+Received Prepare
+Registering precompiled user dll's ...
+Registered in 0.001429 seconds.
+Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
+Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.44 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Invoked RoslynAnalysisRunner static constructor.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner will not be running.
+RoslynAnalysisRunner has terminated.
+Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
+- Completed reload, in  1.042 seconds
+Platform modules already initialized, skipping
+Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.41 ms, found 1 plugins.
+Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
+Unloading 1802 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
+System memory in use before: 88.4 MB.
+System memory in use after: 88.4 MB.
+Unloading 12 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2286.
+Total: 2.594500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.267300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.064700 ms MarkObjects: 2.118100 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.143200 ms)
+AssetImportWorkerClient::OnTransportError - code=2 error=End of file
diff --git a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17ec2c949778b465e8561d430aad36c77e20355a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Base path: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data', plugins path 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines'
+Cmd: initializeCompiler
+Unhandled exception: Protocol error - failed to read magic number (error -2147483644, transferred 0/4)
+Quitting shader compiler process
diff --git a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-UnityShaderCompiler.exe0.log b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-UnityShaderCompiler.exe0.log
index 0d69ef61fcbf4c901faf989cd75af4af8ec4e5ce..632370ace1e1785f94998430700571fb24b196e6 100644
--- a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-UnityShaderCompiler.exe0.log
+++ b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-UnityShaderCompiler.exe0.log
@@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
 Base path: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data', plugins path 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines'
 Cmd: initializeCompiler
+Cmd: compileSnippet
+Cmd: compileSnippet
+Cmd: compileSnippet
+Cmd: compileSnippet
 Cmd: shutdown
diff --git a/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-UnityShaderCompiler.exe1.log b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-UnityShaderCompiler.exe1.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d69ef61fcbf4c901faf989cd75af4af8ec4e5ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unity/t4-urbanisme/Logs/shadercompiler-UnityShaderCompiler.exe1.log
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Base path: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data', plugins path 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.1f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines'
+Cmd: initializeCompiler
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+Cmd: initializeCompiler
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